

While for many experienced mountaineers and hikers, spending a night in a refuge is more of a necessity, for others it’s a new experience.

Accessible only after a few hours’ effort, refuges are places apart, where emotions are often heightened tenfold. Spending a night in a refuge at Les 7 Laux is to share a great moment of conviviality and offer yourself a real time of communion with nature.

The 7 laux refuge

The 7 Laux refuge is a must for anyone planning a hike in the sumptuous setting of the 7 Laux lakes. The 7 Laux refuge is located at an altitude of 2135 m, at the junction of Lac Carré, Lac de la Motte and Lac Coppetens. Accessible by numerous footpaths, spending a night in the refuge will be an unforgettable moment before progressing on the “haute traversée de Belledonne” or embarking on the itineraries for the “tour du pays d’Allevard”.

Departing from the Fond de France parking lot or from the Pleynet resort, it takes around 3h30 to reach the site and spend a night in a refuge. If you’re not too used to it, you’ll need between 4 and 5 hours, but you’ve got to earn it. It’s also an essential stopover on the GR738®.

Spend a night in a refuge

Hervé will welcome you to spend a night in a refuge, particularly in the 7 Laux refuge. With him, good humor is guaranteed. Although the refuge’s comforts are modest, you’ll still find plenty to eat and sleep in. It’s a totally different experience, in this refuge situated on a moor in the middle of 2 lakes, with the occasional ibex waking up in the morning.

On the Prapoutel side, you can spend a night in a refuge at the Habert d’Aiguebelle, located on an easily accessible alpine pasture. Of course, if you hike the entire GR738®, you’ll spend other nights in other refuges.

Spending a night in a refuge is an unforgettable experience. After just a few hours’ walking, you’ll be far from civilization, in a peaceful place where nature reigns supreme. Spending a night in a refuge allows you to escape, admire nature and rediscover simple pleasures.

Why is that cool?
Visitacclimatizeat altitude
Live an experiencetotally different
Finding yourself in aquiet locationwhere nature reigns supreme

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