

the mountain ski patrol profession

Nils Benetto, first-aid ski patroller and fireworker at the resort, agreed to give us some of his time to answer a few questions. From his studies to the day-to-day life of a ski patroller, Nils talks about the different facets of his job in a lively and entertaining interview.

A profession

from the shadows

Discover the mountain tracker profession

Find out what goes on behind the scenes of the mountain tracker profession through an interview full of learning and discoveries. This behind-the-scenes job highlights the importance of mountain trackers in the mountain industry. Nils Benetto opens up, and it’s worth the detour!

Découvrir le métier de pisteur - Les 7 Laux
Découvrir le métier de pisteur - Les 7 Laux
Découvrir le métier de pisteur - Les 7 Laux