7laux 42 Min(3)7laux 42 Min(3)
©7laux 42 Min(3)


of the travel consultant profession

Isabelle Peyraud, head of the B.I.T on the Pleynet slope, chose the call of the mountains over teaching in London. A mountain lover, she shares her experience and explains the missions she has to fulfil on a daily basis. Find out more about the job of tourist advisor from our advisor!

Holiday advisor :

of paramount importance

Isabelle Peyraud, manager of the tourist information office at Le Pleynet, shares her experience with us and gives us the keys to the job of tourist advisor. For future practitioners of the profession, take up your notepads!

Interview : découvrir le métier de conseillère en séjours en station - Les 7 Laux
Interview : découvrir le métier de conseillère en séjours en station - Les 7 Laux
Interview : découvrir le métier de conseillère en séjours en station - Les 7 Laux