

Prapoutel - Le Pleynet
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We all have a “pilot” side in us that just wants to express itself. The effects of a toboggan run, the speed and the skids, snakegliss combines all these playful components and is synonymous with pleasure! This sensational activity has become an absolute must at Les 7 Laux, attracting young and old alike. Who will dare to jump aboard the sled and brave all the challenges of the slopes?

A toboggan run


What’s a Snakegliss?

A snakegliss is simply a big sled, or rather 8 little sleds hooked together to form a big snow snake! You can hurtle down the slopes of Le Pleynet and Prapoutel aboard this “reptile of the cold”, equipped with fins that give you controlled steering at your feet. Before it’s fun, it’s teamwork and balance that keep you on course on the slopes. This unusual toboggan is a must-have in Les 7 Laux, as its originality surprises and pleases even the most thrill-seeking riders!

With your family or friends!

The snakegliss is a real must at Les 7 Laux, and has nothing to envy from activities in other resorts. Perfectly suited for ages 5 to 95, this winter activity will take you through every emotion: laughter, joy, surprise and more! There’s something for everyone: if you’re looking for a calm, peaceful descent, the front of the snakegliss is just right for you. Want to try your hand at thrills and spills? The back of the sled has plenty of surprises in store.

Ideal for everyone, this activity can be enjoyed with family and friends alike, and is a great way to build group cohesion. It’s all about having fun. Rest assured, the descent is led by an experienced guide for total comfort and safety at all times.

Who will dare to try the sensational snakegliss descent of the 7 Laux slopes?

I want to hurtle down the slopes


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