
Discover the world of sled dogs

Le Pleynet

Located right in the heart of the Belledonne Massif, in the “Clos de la vallée blanche” at La Ferrière, or in the heart of the ski area at the top of the Pincerie chairlift, the sled dog farms offer a unique experience. Polar dogs are raised in packs, and their way of life is based solely on their close relationship with their musher.

Le Pleynet / Les 7 Laux : vue sur la station du Pleynet et la vallée du Haut-BrédaLe Pleynet / Les 7 Laux : vue sur la station du Pleynet et la vallée du Haut-Bréda
©Le site du Pleynet dans la vallée du Haut-Bréda
Pleynet side
Discover the life of


Discovering the world of sled dogs, trying to understand their way of life, observing them in their activity reserves many wonderful surprises throughout a day at Le Pleynet or La Ferrière.

In addition to their beauty, sled dogs have an incredible resistance to physical effort and can distinguish themselves by their endurance in all circumstances.

Slip into the shoes of a musher and experience the adventure between man and dog.

By offering these activities, the Clos de la Vallée Blanche farm provides an insight into a very special way of life that has been used for thousands of years. It’s a unique, emotionally-charged experience that goes far beyond a simple leisure outing.

Discovering the world of sled dogs is a must-do experience that can be shared with the whole family .

Why is that cool?
Living aunique experience
Sharing momentsunforgettablewith polar dogs
Discover the job ofmusher


to live